Entrepreneur and rally driver Ken Block has reportedly died earlier today. His personal Instagram account had featured photos in the snow from Park City, Utah, over the weekend. The announcement has come from the Hoonigans Instagram feed that Block aged 55, has died as a result of a snowmobiling accident.
He co-founded skate brand DC Shoes before turning his attention to motorsport, competing in rallying on the international stage. Block shot to fame in 2008, when a “gymkhana practice” video featuring lurid slides in a modified Subaru attracted millions of views. The mastermind of Hoonigan and the Gymkhana video series most recently posted a drifting video on his YouTube channel featuring an Audi S1 Hoonitron on the Las Vegas Strip.
Block is survived by his wife Lucy and 3 children. Ken’s 16-year-old daughter Lia is also a driver.
Rest in peace HHIC.